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Sat, 29/10/2011

This week I encountered master story teller, Ben Haggarty from the CrickCrack club, at the National Gallery,...

Sat, 29/10/2011

This week I encountered master story teller, Ben Haggarty from the CrickCack club, at the National Gallery, London...

Mon, 26/09/2011

The autumn is upon us in the northern hemisphere bringing lots of energy for new activities. With uncertainty in...

Sat, 10/09/2011

Its early, 4am and still have some packing to do. We are off to the Mayors Thames Festival to encourage passers by...

Mon, 08/08/2011

 The Market’s...

Thu, 14/07/2011

 Today is a historic day. In the last 300 years of the English parliament, only three civilians have been...

Fri, 27/05/2011

Today I met two wonderful artists from Iran, one of whom has been in communication about this project since 2009....

Thu, 19/05/2011

Back from a wonderful trip to Seoul and also visited Stockholm in April. The connections for the project are...

Fri, 06/05/2011

Its been four weeks of sunshine,  the hottest on record. It feels like summer and people are smiling. The sun...